Jacksonville, FL
Full Time
We are looking for a Class A CDL Driver with a minimum of 3 months driving experience to join our team today!

Driving Routes: 48 states mainly including driving routes E. of the Mississppi River

Schedule: 2 weeks driving and 2 days home

Pay: $1350 - $1700 average weekly

Job Details:
 - operate condo trucks and dry van trailers
 - no touch freight
 - some locations are drop off and hook and others are live unloading and possibly live re-loading

Equipment: automatic transmission

3 months Class A T/T experience
Must live within 150 miles of Jacksonville, FL
Good background & MVR
Pass Drug Testing

Please reach out ASAP to:

Lori Andrews - Recruiter
Trucker Time Xpress
(386) 690-8538

Let's get you on the road!


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